IMPACT: Parenting with Perspective
This podcast will help parents of teens keep life's struggles as a teen, and as a parent of a teen, in perspective. Parents will learn real tools to help them help their teens. They will learn how to build a rock solid relationship with their teen so they will have a powerful impact and a positive influence on their teen's life.
Podcasting since 2020 • 250 episodes
IMPACT: Parenting with Perspective
Latest Episodes
The Secret Your Teen Won't Admit: More Connection
Does it feel like your teen doesn’t want you around? In this episode, Ben Pugh reveals a surprising truth: your teen actually wants more connection with you! Even when they push you away or say hurtful things, they’re secretly craving your love...
Episode 248

How 3 Decisions Improved My Parenting Forever
In this episode, I’m sharing three decisions that completely changed the way I parent. These simple choices helped me build a stronger relationship with my teen, let go of stress, and become the parent I’ve always wanted to be.Y...
Episode 247

How to Empower Your Teen Effectively
Are you trying to empower your teen but feel like you’re losing control as a parent? In this episode, Ben Pugh and co-host Cortni talk about how to empower your teen effectively while keeping your own power.We’ll share simple tips and re...
Episode 246

How to Create a 10-Word Vision Statement
In this episode, we’ll teach you how to create a 10-word vision statement to guide your parenting! A vision statement helps you stay focused on being the parent you want to be, even during tough times.Join Ben and his co-host, Cortni, as...
Episode 245

Creating a Vision for Better Parenting
Are you the parent you’ve always wanted to be? In this episode, Cortni and I talk about how to create a clear vision for better parenting. We share personal stories, lessons from our own childhoods, and tips to help you reconnect with your pare...
Episode 244

Fan Mail
Hey Ben. Thanks for all you do!!
Vernal, Utah